Pages Read: 1-162
“The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It's the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.”
This quote has so much special meaning. I forgot who said in the book. I wrote down this quote in my notebook but never put down which character said it. I feel really foolish for not putting who said this. If any of my classmates know please tell me in the comments.
I admire this quote because it tells the truth. It does not only tell the truth for me but also to everyone. This quote made me realize that the pain of something mental can be cured when you talk to someone. It is like that relief you get when you talk things out with someone else. Sharing your feelings can help your mind with relaxation. This quote also teaches you a lesson with life and that lesson is that memories must be shared.
Jonas is the Receiver so he needs to hold a lot of memories that no one else knows. That might be a pain trying to keep something a secret. There may be many good memories that needs to be shared. Memories can also help to improve our future. Just by reading this quote you can tell that the character who might have said it has wisdom and expierence. Jonas must have gotten inspired and may have gotten more courage.
What this meant to my life was that the only way I hold memories is by pictures. My family loves pictures because with just one scene captured in an important memory we remember how much adventure we had. The only thing is that there are no pictures of the sad memories because we remember the bad but not the good. I remember the nightmares but not my good dreams. We all must remember memories and share them incase we forget we kind of have back up. It is also important to share so that it reliefs your mind.