Thursday, December 12, 2013

Looking For Alaska: Week of 12-9-13

Prompt: Is what your reading believable? Why or why not?
Pages Read: 1-105

     John Green sees many different kinds of teenagers. That is what makes this book spectacular! I would like to thank Isabelle Ryan for recommending this book to me. Second, I also want to thank Athziry for making a blog about this book which is was very motivatinal me to finally read it. This book could teach me a lesson to be aware of the future. There are many different people in the world and I have to be aware of who am I around. 

     This book takes place in a high school where a regular teenager, Miles, moves on campus and has some wild adventures with some new students he met. They are very unique teenagers not really what most people expect but soon will learn the different kinds of persona there is. Well, Miles joins a group of teenagers and soon is finds himself falling for Alaska. She is a gorgeous, humorous, quick-witted, character in the book who loves an adventure. Alaska takes him and the gang on a pre-prank thrill. I have currently on that part so I do not know what will happen next but I can tell it will be great!

     Looking for Alaska is a believable story because even though these pranks could be intense and sometimes impossible in a way it is possible. There has been some crazy things that people do all around the world. That is just of what people call "The Teen Phases." Which is another reason why it is believable. The school work the characters have to do seems believable too because it gives this book more of a realistic feeling to it. I usually enjoy fantasy books more than realistic fiction but this book has blown my mind. I suggest everyone to read it. 


  1. You read a lot for one blog! It was so interesting and factual this week. I really liked your blog this week!

  2. I really want to read this book. I read The Fault In Our Stars by John Green and I absolutely loved it! I think the way you describe Alaska is very believable and a lot of girls can relate to her. When you say the characters are in their Teen Phases that's completely true. This book is really believable! Great blog!

  3. I commented on Marisa, Isabella, and Diego.

  4. Oh why thank you for mentioning me :D I'm so glad you like this book, it was one of my favorites. Your blog was a great refresher to me, as I read this book over the summer.
