Friday, April 18, 2014

An Abundance of Katherines: Week of 4/14/14

Prompt: What is the book about? How does this connect to your life?
Pages Read: 1-27
Author: John Green

     I am trying to read all of John Green's books. One of my friends, Ebony, is reading all of them and has got me convinced to try and read all of them. I have read Looking For Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars, now that I am reading An Abundance of Katherines I see a unique writing style that only John Green conveys. It is hard to explain but I am getting familiar to his writing.

     An Abundance of Katherines is a book taken place in Chicago. Colin Singleton has special interest in girls named Katherine. Well, the book starts of with Colin being dumped by Katherine XIX. Right after graduation of senior year he is heartbroken.
His friend, Hassan, thought of the idea of going on road trip to have Colin forget about his break up. Adventure takes on as these two friends go out on a road trip.

     This connects to my life because my aunt had gotten heartbroken once, after getting married. We tried to cheer her up in many ways but none helped her. She was very depressed and we feared for her. She would do many bad things that were unexpected. At first she would stay in bed the whole day then she started going out and making a bad influence on many. My uncle (her cousin) then came from texas and took her with him so thst she may start a better life all over again and forget her past. It worked. She is all better now. My aunt now moved back over here and works as a doctor.


  1. I commented on Citlalli, Abdiel, and Steven

  2. Sarai,

    I really loved your blog this week. I have also taken a huge interest in John Green's books, I have read The Fault In Our Stars. I really like how you gave a little sneak peak to what the book is about, and I really liked your connection. Great Job this week!

  3. Great blog post this week! I really liked how you described how John Green has a certain style of writing. I also liked how you provided your own connection. I am too trying to read other John Green books. Good job!

  4. It's so great that your aunt made that recovery! It's hard to get out of depression and to fight it and it's awesome that your aunt was able to conquer it! I think I know what style that John Green writes with. It's like the characters are informative and so blunt that you think a teen actually wrote it. That's how I felt about The Fault in Our Stars and Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Hassan and your uncle sound like great people and it would be pretty cool to meet them!
