Thursday, March 19, 2015

Berlin Memorial Activity Reflection

What did you learn?

     What I learned from this classroom activity is the whole process of the German's plan to weaken and get rid of Jews. In the beginning, they placed decrees which would get rid of lawyers and other's that would clash their plan to remove Jews. Slowly, Germans placed other laws which eventually left Jews with nothing. Basically, their freedom was taken away.

Why do you think this monument was built?

     I think this monument was built as a remembrance. If people learn this and never forget about it then it may never happen again. Though, this would only happen if one is educated well enough on this topic.

What did you notice about the number of laws passed in certain years?

     I noticed that the number of laws were less when it came to the olympics. Trying to hide their plot of getting rid of Jews and their anti-Jew things. I also noticed that the number of laws grew very high the year before Hitler came to power. This is because he still had a high role in power at that time.

Which restrictions do you think you would have the most trouble dealing with?

    One restriction I would have trouble dealing with is mostly all of the things we reviewed in class. There was one where it prohibits Jews to go to a specific school. I think I would have trouble with that because I would like to be in an environment where we all coexist. I would also have trouble with not being able to go to theaters, concerts, exhibits, and beaches. Those are all things that I enjoy going to and someone telling me not to do something is upsetting. Overall, all these laws are unfair for everyone. It is hard to imagine how Jews were able to live like this. Probably, most could not. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how you use the term 'coexist.' I have a magnet on my whiteboard in class that has the same phrase with different symbols. Have you seen it?
