Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Perks Of Being a Wallflower - Week of 1-13-14

Slight Spoilers

Pages Read; 0-213(FINISHED)

Prompt; What are two emotions the main character has felt? What made the main character feel that way?

By stephen chbosky
     My last blog post was about the same book but it was not my opinion on Charlie's life. This book changed the way I see life in high school. My prediction of what high school will be like is scary, annoying, and tiring. Mostly negative because I guess I have always heard negative comments on those four years of your life. The only good comments I have heard about high school is when you become a senior. The last year of being a high school student, then you are (hopefully) of to college. I really do hope to go to college. It would be easy to get into a good university if you went to a good high school. That means that I have to work hard to get into a good a good high school. If I don't then that is okay, I guess. I can just work extra hard to get good grades in whatever other high school I go to. My aunt, Jalissa, she is 20 and was not in a perfect high school, I would say. I know she worked really hard to get into the college she is in now and because of her inspiring hard work she is my mentor and inspiration. I have heard that freshman year is the scariest year out of all the years and I will admit I am not looking forward to it. Charlie was not looking forward to high school either he was also scared about it because he had no friends until some seniors took him into their lives and together the have an infinite moment.

     Charlie writes letters to a stranger he has never met before but has heard many good things about him. The whole book is basically made out of his letters. The letters are like a diary for him. Since it is in his point of view I know what Charlie feels. He is just a shy freshman who is barely recovering from the loss of his best friend, Michael. His whole life he has never been exactly happy in any point of his life. Writing these letters makes him release his thoughts, especially when you are writing it to an understanding person. "I just need to know that someone out there listens and understands... I need to know that these people exist" Charlie wrote in one of his letters. In the beginning of the book he says, "So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be." My guess on why Charlie feels this way it is because his best friend, Michael, committed suicide over the summer so he is recovering from that. In overall Charlie feels happy and sad in the beginning of the book.

     Two seniors probably saw what Charlie was going through so they helped him get back on his feet onto his infinite feeling. "Sam tapped her hand on the steering wheel. Patrick held his hand outside the car and made air waves. And I just sat between them. After the song finished, I said something. 'I feel infinite.' And Sam and Patrick looked at me like I said the greatest thing ever." This part of the book is the most popular part. Just by having true friends made Charlie infinite. Having great happiness that cannot be measured. This has taught me that simple things like a car ride can control you. Unexpectedly Charlie has experienced sadness, and happiness. Until that one car ride has made him reach an infinite feeling.


  1. “Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.” -Stephen Chbosky
    I read the Perks of Being A Wallflower and I thought it was a great book, and it was rather inspirational. Have you seen the movie? I feel that the movie is a bit more emotional than the book.

  2. Nice Blog! I like how you used a lot of pictures and used your opinion on how you thought the book was. I also like how you connected it to the last blog post! Overall great job!

  3. I saw the movie before and let me tell you that I almost started crying and your blog post completely just makes me wish that I did cry. At the end of your blog post you say that things as simple as a car ride can change your entire view on something and you're so right! I love how you included in the first paragraph about getting into a good college but not going to a not so great high school. Love your blog!

  4. I saw the movie before the book. When you said that the most popular part is that when they are in the car ride, I agree, but when it's in the movie version. I really love how the book came out to be a movie because it's something realistic that probably how a few high schoolers feel at first when they are freshmen. Well I really enjoyed reading your blog this week!

  5. i commented on Elenia, Abdiel, and Marisa

  6. Sarai, I promise you will enjoy high school because you make the most out of what life hands you! Don't worry!
