Thursday, November 20, 2014

Th1rteen R3asons Why - Week of 11/17/14

Pages Read: FINISHED
Author: Jay Asher
Prompt: Do any of the characters feeling change as you’ve read? Explain why or why
not. What does this book remind you of? Why?

Who's Hot Who's Not List
     Many of the characters have changed. The tapes Hannah has made are like the reasons why she committed suicide. It is basically blaming people and the cause of her suicide. Now since each person has listened to the cassettes they are feeling guilt. Some do not care, some are angry because it gives them a bad reputation. In one of the cassettes there is a Peeping Tom. Tyler is the Peeping Tom. Ever since the cassettes were released he has been replacing his bedroom window because rocks were thrown for him being a "creeper." The only people who know what Tyler has done are the people who are suppose to listen to the tapes. Therefore, they are the ones to throw the rocks. Now, because Tyler realizes what he has done he feels mortified and remorseful. Marcus Cooley, on the other hand, is the complete opposite of what Tyler feels. Marcus feels proud yet a touch of aggravation. He was talking to Clay about how "Hannah is just looking for an excuse to kill herself." Yet Marcus is not ashamed for what he has done. Marcus basically took advantage of Hannah on a date which was on "accident." There are scattered feelings throughout all the characters.

    I recommend this book to those who like mystery or high school drama. It is very interesting how the author is able to create suspense at a fast flowing pace. Just how something so simple can change one's life. Even something done by accident. Maybe not just change a life but end it too. This is an odd comparison but this book kinda reminds me of the Disney short film "Paperman". They are completely different but it shows how something done on accident changes ones life and could create a new goal. In Paperman when the guy meets the girl he stops at nothing to get her attention. Which leads to him getting in trouble by his job. New goals may end other successful goals. Just how in Thirteen Reasons Why there are some people who just used Hannah to get what they want. Which makes Hannah commit suicide. Another reason why they are alike its because paper is what made the story a story! Read the book to find out what I mean. I HIGHLY recommend this book and the short film! 

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